Bottled water's popularity continues to grow

Strong bottled water consumption growth is by no means unique to the UK's bottled water market.
As the popular US based food and drink publsihers FoodDive report, bottled water has fought off tap water, soda, and other beverage players, as it continues to grow in popularity amidst changing consumer trends.
According to market research group Canadean, the bottled water industry is expected to sell about 233 billion litres this year, overtaking soda (soft drinks e.g. cola) by about 1.3%; expected to sell 227 billion litres.
After a 6% average annual growth rate since 2008, bottled water could finally become the world’s new leading packaged drink. This growth will be particularly pronounced in emerging markets like India, China, and Brazil, where sales of bottled water have increased by about 10%.
The debate around sugar and its link to obesity continues; commonly associated with the most prominent soft drink products such as Cola. There is also contest between academics and industry participants around the health benefits or quality difference between bottled and tap water.
From Montgomery Spring Water's point of view we make it our priority to provide the purest water to our customers and consumers; much of this derives from the quality of our sources at our home in mid-Wales.
Visit the About Us page to find out more about our company values and quality assurance approach.